Thanks for the kind words guys, they meant a lot! I’m feeling quite a bit better now, though I’ve been dealing with very sore tummy muscles from Friday’s sick fest. Moving on…

I’ve been working on pretty much nothing but miniatures since I last posted. They’re a lot more time consuming than one would think, but they’re so fascinating!

I thought I’d work on a few craft room projects and they’re even more fun in mini!

mini fabric bolts

Some miniature bolts of fabric. Each bolt 45″ “wide” and has 12 “yards” of fabric, so it’s approximately only 3″ by 3.75″ of fabric.

mini spools of thread

You can’t sew without thread! These little spools of thread are on real wood (I couldn’t drill a hole for the center because they’re so tiny!) and they have real thread on them. They’re only about 5 mm tall.

mini knitting basket

No craft room of mine would be complete without a knitting basket! The basket is made from brown #10 crochet thread and the yarn is baby yarn that’s been rolled into teeny tiny balls. The knitting needles are 26 gauge wire with seed beads for stoppers.

mini pony bead jar

It seems like such a small thing to be proud about, but I’m VERY proud of my jar of “pony” beads. I made it out of a mechanical pencil eraser cap and a metal sewing snap. I couldn’t have gotten the diameter of the snap any closer to perfect size for fitting on the cap. I think it turned out to be a wonderful little jar! They pony beads are actually seed beads and the whole jar stands about 1.5 cm tall.

mini shelf

This shelf was made out of popsicle sticks from a tutorial I found somewhere online. It was a lot of fun to make and I’m seeing a lot of modifications I could make to make it look different. One thing I need to make sure to do before I make the next one is to sand it down well before I paint or stain it! I can see the lines where the sticks join and I don’t think it looks very nice. Once I add some books or other things to the shelves it won’t be noticeable though. I may use it for the pink bedroom, if not then for the craft room or the kitchen. I haven’t decided yet.

mini embroidered rug

This little embroidered rug only took a few days of on and off working on it and I think it turned out really cute! It was only after I was about 3/4ths of the way finished with it that I realized they were Dolphins colors! I just plucked them out of my thread box and thought they looked nice together. D’oh! Hopefully no one else will notice (‘cept for those who read this!) I used a square stitch for this called the pillow stitch. It looks really satiny and interesting I think.

mini throw pillows

These little pillows are for the pink bedroom. I never really gave pillows much of a thought because I was thinking “They’re just squares sewn together, what’s the big deal?” These proved to be a bit more difficult to me. I had to find a nice print for the front that I felt was small enough to work for a miniature, then I found a nice contrasting fabric. I thought about doing these on the machine, but the stitches were too large for as small of a seam as I’d given myself. Hand stitching these suckers were time consuming. I thought I’d just whip them out, but noooo…they took about two hours. They’re throw pillow sized, just under an inch miniatured. I think they regular sized pillows will be a bit easier, but I’m starting to rethink my idea for the bolster pillows!

I’ve got several other things in the works right now, but they weren’t ready in time for this post. I made an entire cookie tray of miniature foods so I’ll post those after I glaze them. I also printed out a bunch of miniature food boxes and other paper goods that I need to mod podge and cut out. Those should keep me busy for awhile!